Remember the song, Right Here Waiting for You, by Richard Marx that goes…
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
That’s exactly what my UFOs (Unfinished Objects) or WIPs (Works in Progress) would have said if they could speak.
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
That’s exactly what my UFOs (Unfinished Objects) or WIPs (Works in Progress) would have said if they could speak.

Here’s one example—a garter stitch scarf with 2 kinds of yarn alternating every few rows which I started in November and was supposed to keep me warm for the winter. All I need is to knit a couple of rows, a few finishing rows, then weave the loose threads in and it’s done.
Full shot of garter stitch scarf on needles
Instead I’ve put it aside as an in-between-the-challenges project. Well, winter has passed and they’re still on the needles.(Sigh)

I have at least 3 other projects—2 shawls and a stuffed toy bear on the needles hidden away somewhere or deep inside one of my closets. FO (Finished Object), a bag of 7 knitted baby hats for the neonatal unit at the local hospital for charity, that still hasn’t left for the hospital yet because it’s been recently put aside somewhere in the garage by mistake. I only hope that DH (Darling Husband) does not find it and sell it at one of his garage sales. What about you? Do you have anything “in progress” that’s put aside somewhere and waiting for you?
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